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Saturday, March 3, 2012

Contoh Rancangan Harian Bahasa Inggeris Tahun 1

Day 1
Focus    :  Listening and Speaking.
Theme  :  World of Stories.
Topic     : The Little Boy
Learning Standard :         1.1.1 Able to listen to and respond to stimulus given with guidance:
                                                         d.rhythm  and rhyme
                                                1.1.3 Able to listen to, say aloud and recite rhymes or sing songs with
Time      : 60 minutes.
Teaching Aids    : Word cards, picture cards, power point, worksheet.
Pre- listening
Teacher shows some pictures. Pupils talk about the pictures.
While- listening
Teacher recites a poem. Pupils listen to the rhyme.
Pupils repeat the poem after the teacher.
Teacher stresses on words with initial phoneme /b/.
Pupils say the words aloud.
Pupils recite the rhyme.
Pupils are given a worksheet.
Teacher spells the words with initial phoneme /b/.
Pupils listen to and colour the correct words.

Day 2
Focus    :  Reading
Theme  :  World of Stories.
Topic     : The Little Boy
Learning Standard :
2.1.1 Able to identify and distinguish the shapes of the letters in the alphabet.  
2.2.1 Able to read and apply word recognition and word attack skill by matching words with:
(a)     graphics
Time      : 60 minutes.
Teaching Aids    : Word cards, picture cards, power point, worksheet.
Pre- reading
Pupils listen to teacher telling a story.
Teacher reads the text.
Pupils read aloud the text.
Pupils talk about the people in the story.
While- reading
Pupils are divided into five groups. Activity will be carried out group by group. Each pupils will be given a word card.
Teacher says aloud the words. Pupils with the correct word step foward. The pupil spells and read the word.
Pupils are given a worksheet with jumble up letters.
Pupils rearrange the words correctly according to the picture.

Day 3
Focus    :  Writing
Theme  :  World of Stories.
Topic     : The Little Boy
Learning Standard :
3.1.2  Able to copy and write in neat legible print: (d) words.
Time      : 60 minutes.
Teaching Aids    : Word cards, picture cards, power point, worksheet.
Teacher reads the story.
Pupils articulate the phoneme /b/
Pupils say the words with the phoneme /b/
While- writing
Teacher demonstrates the correct formation of letter ‘b’.
Pupils use plasticine and form the letter ‘b’ on their desk.
Pupils copy the letter ‘b’ in neat legible print on activity sheet.
Pupils are given a worksheet with replacing pictures with suitable words.
Pupils write the correct words according to the pictures.

Day 4
Focus    :  Language Arts.
Theme  :  World of Stories.
Topic     : The Little Boy
Learning Standard :
4.1.2 Able to recite nursery rhymes, jazz chant and sing action songs with correct pronunciation and rhythm.
4.3.1  Able to produce simple creative works with guidance based on:  (a) nursery rhymes.
Time      : 60 minutes.
Teaching Aids    : Word cards, picture cards, power point, worksheet.
Pupils are divided into groups.
Each group will prepare ‘Mini Dictionary’.
Pupils practice the rhyme.
Pupils get the materials ready.
Pupils recite the rhyme.
Pupils show their ‘Mini Dictionary’ while reciting the rhyme.

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